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Thursday, October 11, 2012

Auckland Energy Consumer Trust Dividend Payments

Doug Armstrong and David Shand have a right to be concerned and cynical over the timing of the 320 dividend payment being paid out so close to the local ballot taking place. Trust Chairman William Cairns answer that he was confused over the timing issue is inadequate; in fact in reality if it is not scandalous it is certainly unethical. 

Given the lows of the banks donations from Kim Dotcom and the amnesia that Mr Banks had on this issue, one would have expected that all candidates and sitting trustees would of been scrupulous in their campaigns and absolutely careful of using any trust dividends in such a way as to compromise integrity. Returning officer Dale Ofsoske saying ‘that it does come uncomfortably close’ says it all. If the returning officer was unable to use the mana of his office then perhaps we need to look at a law change to prevent such unethical payment ever happening again. The New Zealand body politic deserves far more respect than the Community and the Residents ticket has done by paying out the dividends so close to an election.  

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